Thursday, November 11, 2010

Never Again

Last Sunday I fired up the pizza oven for the first time since July.  I've been out of flour for a bit and decided to to try making dough with the King Arthur's bread flour.   The dough itself seemed great, though a little stickier and with more rise than usual; I shaped it and put in the fridge to ferment, but as soon as we started working with it, problems.

First, the gluten strands hadn't really developed as much as I was used to.  The dough was very hard to work and had too much spring-back -- with a 9-oz. ball, I couldn't shape a pizza larger than 8" (usally I get a 10"-12" pizza out of that much dough), and two pizzas tore while shaping.  I had trouble getting the pizzas off the peels due to sticking, and once the pizza's went in the oven, they cooked very strangely -- burning on the outside, but not cooking fully inside.

So I'm going back to the Giusto's Ultimate Performer that I've had such success with in the past -- and to guarantee that I won't run out, I picked up a 50-lb. bag at Surfa's ($68)!  It's going to need to live in my office until I can find a container big enough to store all that flour ( I wonder how many gallons of flour 50 lbs. is?)

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear of the difficulty. However, the results you describe are typical when replacing a high protein flour with a lower protein flour. Guisto's Ultimate Performer has a protein level between 13.0 to 14.5. Our Organic Bread flour's protein level is 12.7%. Our Organic high-gluten flour (14%) would be the better substitute.

    A lower protein flour will take up less water, and may require a longer kneading time for full development. Hope this helps. Frank @ KAF baker/blogger.
