Saturday, July 10, 2010

A New Floor

One mistake I made building my original oven base was placing the slab too low.  It ended up being about 1/4" below the level of my patio slab, and thus a water collector on rainy days.  To make matters worse, weep holes in the block walls ended up letting water into the wood storage area from the surrounding soil.  This is now fixed. 

I placed and additional 3 cubic feet of concrete on top of the existing slab in the storage area.  Th e nw concrete raises the floor about a half inch, and id sloped to drain to the front.

One problem solved (I hope)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Got a Mixer!!

Electrolux Assistent; Ebay.  It was just delivered today.
I'll try it out this weekend with a little test mix.  Looks, and runs like new.